Monday, November 25, 2013

Blogging with My Shoes Tied Together

Oh, the plans we have!

I've been keeping up on this blog really well... until now!  I'm surprised I kept up at it as well as I have over the last two years.  But as usual, life gets in the way.  That's not a bad thing!  It's just that Mom hasn't been feeling well, I haven't felt like writing a whole lot, I'm disillusioned about Obamacare and the president and all the people that still (STILL!) support him, and all the people who hate Christians because they don't want babies to die... and I guess I just needed a break.

Still do!

I will post in here again sometime soon, and probably still pretty frequently.  For one thing, Christmas is almost here and I need to write this year's Christmas poem (I've got a pretty good idea I think, we'll see) and I wanted to post some of my previous Christmas poems that I didn't post in here last year.

But I just need a bit of a break to pull all my thoughts together I think.  Sometimes I feel so plugged in - to all my little devices, and the TV, and movies, and books, and music, and what's going on in the nation and the world, and the family, and all that goes with it, that I feel like I need time to unplug, and

to be still


listen for God's voice



Know what I mean?

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