Sunday, April 29, 2012

Strange Bedfellows: Susan G. Komen, Margaret Sanger, and the Dixie Chicks

It’s sad, but I won’t be supporting the Susan G. Komen foundation anymore.  They made their choice, same as the Dixie Chicks, and got into bed with an organization that does not support the ideals of the conservative Christian movement.  That’s a nice way of saying they are in cahoots with a bunch of baby killers.  Do they even realize the choice they’ve made?
     Some people refused to support Susan G. Komen when they pulled some of their funding from Planned Parenthood for political reasons, so they reversed their decision and now support Planned Parenthood once again.  I wonder if they realize they will still lose some support no matter which way they decide.  But with the support even some Christian women are giving to Planned Parenthood, I doubt it matters. 
     Leaving liberal Christians completely out of the argument because, frankly, I just don’t understand them (I understand about the love of Christ, but there are God-breathed rules to follow, and true liberals are for ALL freedoms, even the immoral ones the Bible teaches against) I dare anyone who claims to be a conservative Christian to explain to me why they would dare to support an organization like Planned Parenthood (is it just the PC thing to do?), especially if they research its history and all the things Margaret Sanger was into, and closely examine the actions of the ACLU over the years, who support Planned Parenthood, and everyone and everything, except those who wish to worship their Savior as followers of Christ, and those who draw a line in the sand!
     Turns out, there are apparently a lot of Christian women who do support them.  “They helped a friend of mine with breast screening when nobody else would,” said the clerk at a Family Christian Store as she was showing my mom a book called unPLANNED by Abby Johnson, who used to work for them.  My mom read this book, and told me that even this Abby Johnson liked the women whom she worked with there, and thought she was really helping the women who came in, but finally had to leave.  When her facility wasn’t making enough money, she got directives from the top to increase the number of abortions, where the money is.  There was talk of taking the babies who were 24 to 26 weeks along, and she couldn’t abide that any longer.  Now that she’s left, Mom said many of the other women she worked with there wanted to leave as well.
     My sister voiced concerns over this entire affair on Facebook, and many of her Christian friends came out of the woodwork to chastise her, and to tell her what a wonderful miracle Planned Parenthood really is, stating that abortions are only “one small part” of the wonderful work this organization does.  That’s nice, but if the devil was going to build an organization that saw to the destruction of innocent, helpless babies and get even members of the Christian community to support it, he would build Planned Parenthood.  How can these Christian women justify the support of such an organization that kills innocent babies?  It’s a justification of evil.
     Oh, but you know, it’s the same all over anyway.  Another friend of mine attends a mega-church that accepts homosexual couples, and I’ve been to funerals at another church that supports PFLAG.  Hey, you know, I’m not a homophobe (a term that never made sense to me anyway, outside of an immoral campaign: Disagreeing with a lifestyle doesn’t mean you’re afraid); I can understand the directive to love the sinner and hate the sin, and I can understand the pressure and psychology that some of these kids with same sex attractions must endure, to the point of suicide.  We should reach out to them.  But we shouldn’t just blindly support them.  We should do what Jesus would do.  He would reach out to them, and care for them, and love them.  But he would also teach them the error of their ways, just as he did when he taught a bunch of sinners in Matthew’s house, or when he told the prostitute after he had dispersed her accusers, “Now go, and sin no more.”  We should do likewise.
     And now Susan G. Komen is in between the sheets with a bunch of baby killers, which is a more apt term for what they really are.  If anybody in the Komen foundation or any of their supporters should happen to read this, they should know there are many other people like me out there, dismissed by the left, and even some Christians, especially since I’m a man.  Many of these people simply won’t speak up; they just won’t support them anymore.  If you make a decision to go with one crowd, there will be another crowd who will, usually silently, step away.  Just look at the fans of the Dixie Chicks.  It is not the same fan base they started with, and not the same fan base for the rest of country music, whose morals are different from the morals of the Dixie Chicks.  I see Susasn G. Komen in the same boat now… except that Planned Parenthood still has it’s supporters among the Christian community.  Talk about a head scratcher!

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