Thursday, July 18, 2013

Searching for God: Scratching the Surface on Our Quest for Truth in the Creation/Evolution Debate

     I know someone - quite a few people, actually - who claims to have discovered the TRUTH in some college classrooms at the age of 22, and is satisfied enough with the answers she’s found to stop searching.  Well, if she’s discovered all the truths of life and how we all got here, and she’s sure of it to such a degree that she doesn’t need to search anymore, I sure wish she’d let the rest of us in on it!  I’d like to be as sure of everything as she is!  Hell, wouldn’t we all?  Just think; all the great minds and the great discoveries of all time, and all the great mysteries of the world, have been solved by a 22 year old college student who has had all of life’s burning questions answered for her in a few classes (her teachers must be sheer geniuses!).  Oh, would that I were her!
     She is merely one of millions of people who decide to stop learning because they think they already possess all the knowledge they need, or enough knowledge to stop having to search for more.  But then there’s me and people like me:  If I could live for a thousand years, I still wouldn’t know all there is to know.  I still wouldn’t know a fraction of all there is to know!  And I say shame on her and all the millions of people like her who think they already know it all (or act as if you do)!  They, we, really know nothing!
     We know about microscopic molecules and even though it’s so very tiny, we’ve been able to split the atom!  We know about neutrons and electrons and other atomic elements, and we even know some of the properties that make them do what they do and move as they move.  We can even scientifically modify or predict those actions!  And yet, for all of this, we have only scratched the surface!  We know an atom is composed of neutrons and electons, and that these neutrons and electrons actually have great spaces between them within the atom, and that they operate under certain physical conditions, spiraling around the nucleus in a very fast and consistent pattern.  But why?  And what makes up the neutrons and electrons?  And if we ever do answer the question of what tiny elements neutrons and electrons are composed of, the next logical question would be, “What makes up those tinier elements?"  And this would spark more questions:  "And what elements make up these elements within tinier elements, and how do they operate, and why?”  And this could go on ad infinitum.  Where did the first one come from?  Just how small can things get?  Where does it end?  Does it end?  Man doesn’t know, and will never know.  He can only guess, theorize, and speculate, even with all the expensive, electron microscopes and space telescopes and genius quantum scientists and molecular biologists at their disposal.  
     And this is just one example of how much we know, and how little we know.  For all the gigantic leaps we’ve made in the world of science; for all the questions we’ve been able to answer; for all the great technological advances we’ve created; we still know nothing!  What lies outside the universe?  What life, if any, exists on other planets?  What will America be like in 200 years (if it’s still here)?  What made Mozart a child prodigy?  What did the platypus evolve from, and what is it evolving into, and what does it mean?  How was the earth created?  And if you can answer any of these questions with absolute certainty, then I would have to ask, “What makes you so sure?  Where’s your proof?”  If we don’t really know everything about neutrons, electrons, atoms and molecules, then we can’t really know about the things they comprise, such as living biological organisms or the complex human mind.  These questions, and their answers, require the ability of abstract thought, and the complexity and physicality of the abstract thought process within the human brain is actually incomprehensible to the same mind that is able to engage in abstract thought.  This may be a difficult idea to comprehend, but it is akin to a baby saying his first word, “Dada,” and then being able to articulate how he was able to say it, explaining the process of thinking of the word “Dada” and then the processes required in order for him to actually verbalize it.  All of this is just my way of saying that, given our limited intelligence and growth as a species (which is still the most advanced on this planet), we still know virtually nothing, and those who disagree are fooling themselves.  We can know a lot, and yet for all our accumulated wisdom, there is still so much we do not know, and we still haven’t cured the common cold.
     So I will always search for the truth, and I won’t find it in this world or in this lifetime without the concept of “belief,” and neither will anyone else.  Yet I’m still one step ahead of those who simply stop searching for answers because they think they know it all, or enough, or are just plain apathetic.  In that respect, and getting back to the proof of a creator that I seem to require in order to believe in that creator (which I posted in last week's blog, linked here), I am fortunate; because I do seek truth and knowledge, and my faith is strengthened by the knowledge I find, for it tends to “prove” the existence of a creator.  To explain:
     If there is no God (creator or creators), then we must ask, “How did we get here?  How did man, the living creatures he shares this planet with, the planet earth and all the things in it, the other planets and solar systems and galaxies, and the universe (and whatever is beyond the universe), and all the elements that make up all of these things, get here?  What is the history of existence and how did existence begin (if it had a beginning)?”  These questions are scientifically unanswerable (and don’t believe any scientist who tells you otherwise, because he’s just furthering a particular agenda).  In fact, science has tried to answer them, but despite their propensity for stating conjecture as cold, hard facts, they’re really nothing more than theories and guesses which have not been proven, not by a long shot.  Oh sure, there are all kinds of mathematical formulas and statistics, but like anything else, these elements can be, and have been, manipulated to fit a preconceived notion.  It still boggles my mind that these theories have become accepted as unquestioned facts simply because a group of scientists and teachers have repeated it so often, the public just believes them.  And don’t dare to question them or you may find yourself ostracized and ridiculed, especially if you are a member of the current scientific or educational community. 
     How many of us were taught that the THEORY of evolution was undisputed fact?  I know I was!  It has always been just a theory, which, by it's own definition, has not been proven, and yet it is taught in our schools as if it were a fact.  In some cases, the teacher may even elaborate at some point that it is only a theory, and then continue to treat it and teach it as if it were a fact.  And why not?  After all, it is the accepted and authorized scientific view of the how we all got here.  And if you teach another theory – say, that the earth and universe may have been created by an omnipotent being, then just watch the sparks fly! You can teach one theory in today’s public school classroom, the accepted, authorized one, but try teaching another one, especially one that toys with the ideas that are usually left up to religion, and you’re going to be in hot water, Buddy!
     So the scientific and educational communities continue to support and present this theory as if it were fact, but without having all the answers, and even having some glaringly obvious errors!  In fact, most secular scientists and liberal teachers are more devout in their belief of these unproven evolutionary theories than most Christians are of the Bible!  The sad truth of the matter is that they actually have to be, for if they doubt these theories, that means there may, in fact, be a creator, and everybody knows that the second you admit there might be the possibility of a creator, then you’re talking about religious dogma, and there is no room in science for religious dogma, of course!  You’d be laughed out of the scientific community, loose your job, your friends, and the respect of your scientific peers.  A combination of peer pressure, fear, and indoctrination keeps some scientists fastly glued to their belief in the theory of evolution.
     When I look, purely scientifically, at what the scientists are treating as fact, I instead find it to be a belief that takes an even greater stretch of the imagination to believe in (no creator) than to believe in a creator.  Creationism is also just a theory, and so, like evolution, it is unable to be irrefutably proven, and yet, even by this definition, it still manages to cast a tremendous shadow of doubt over the theory of evolution and the belief that there is no creator.  
     I used to believe in the theory of evolution.  I used to just blindly accept it.  It sounded okay to me, and rather logical, and I saw no need to refute it.  It was taught by people who were smarter than me (they had doctorates and degrees and prodigious standing in the scientific and/or educational communities), and who was I to refute them?  Yet I too have a brain, and can use it to think and study the proofs they have and decide for myself if they are right or wrong.  My eyes have been opened to the lies I was taught (and taught to accept without question), and I no longer see the theory of evolution with the eyes of the scientific community’s accepting little puppy dogs.  I believe in God, and I believe in creationism, and I believe God created everything, without having to resort to the imperfect travesty of evolution to accomplish His task, especially regarding the origin of life. 
     And don't even get me started on the concept of "theistic evolution".  If you are a Christian, and believe in the Bible, you can’t just pick and choose what you are going to believe in – a committed Christian should believe in all of it (but realizing as well that the bible is not 100% literal or figurative, but a mixing of the two).  The Bible itself dispels much of the thinking and reasoning of the theistic evolutionist who tries to marry the two disparate concepts of God's creation and a godless evolution.  Besides, after studying all the facts, I just don’t see how evolution can be possible at all, creator or no creator!
     In future posts, I'll present just a few arguments to back up these claims.

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