Sunday, February 23, 2014

Gun-Free Zones Are Slaughterhouses

Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Ft. Hood, the Amish School Shooting, the Aurora Theater Shooting; Kurt Vonnegut's classic and satirical WWII novel Slaughterhouse Five seems to be increasing in number, as we encounter more and more stories about madmen taking guns into gun-free zones and unleashing a reign of bullets.  Slaughterhouse Five is becoming Slaughterhouse Six, or Seven, or Eight, as the occasions and numbers continue to stack up.

But that's not the case everywhere.  Take the recent Arapaho school shooting.  Student Claire Davis clung to life for a few days in the hospital before expiring, yet as tragic as that is, what is even more tragic is how liberal Democrats and leftist progressives are using this tragedy, and others like it, to push through more gun laws.  Hmm.  Don't we already have restrictive gun laws?  Why didn't they prevent the shooter, Carl Pierson, from entering that school?  

I have several thoughts about this whole thing.  First, are more gun laws really the answer, considering that the shooter Carl Pierson broke the gun laws that already exist to carry his guns and Molotov cocktails into the school?  These shooters plan, it seems to me, on emulating Klebold and Harris of Columbine High School infamy in gun-free zones with bunches of innocent, defenseless victims.  Thanks liberals!  But you might want to ask yourself one question:  Although it’s still tragic that Claire Davis lost her life, if Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, Ft. Hood, the Amish school shooting, and the Aurora theater shooting had so many victims, how come there was only one this time?  You won’t find the answer in the official reports on most news channels, newspapers, or on the main websites for news organizations, which mostly all state that the shooter made his way to the library and took his own life with his gun, prompting nearby guards to the library.  I had to find and corroborate the real story, which the Washington Post confirms, that the shooter committed suicide only after an armed deputy cornered him in the library.  If you’re wondering why the regular news media isn’t reporting that, ask yourself if they support more gun laws or not.  If word leaked out to their regular viewers that this guy was stopped by another guy with a gun, well, that doesn’t sit well with their usual politics.

Another interesting piece of news from this story is how the gunman – or “gunchild” actually - was supposedly liberal, just like the psycho in the Aurora theater shooting, and how the parents of the victim forgave Pierson for killing their beautiful daughter, saying he didn’t know what he was doing, and asking for donations in Claire’s name for mental health and anti-bullying programs.  Because, in a way, these “monsters” are victims too.  Here’s yet another case of a killer and his victim forever linked because of his horrible crime, yet one has to wonder, as the victim’s parents have indicated, if the killer is really just another victim.  It shows how tragedy can come from anywhere, and now two families and a community are suffering because, once again, nobody saw the warning signs, or acted on them.  

It’s just so sad all over again.


  1. That's the fault of the system. How can a mentally retarded person own a gun and nobody did anything to confiscate the license and the gun? He killed that girl because he was ill. So he should never have allowed to buy the gun in the first place.

  2. Where did you get this information. I have not read anywhere that this guy was mentally retarded. For one thing, that term is not politically correct. For another thing, are you telling me that if he was mentally retarded, that we don't have any existing gun laws that prevent such people from owning guns? Third, as I understand it, he didn't own that gun. His mother did.
