Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Political Heroes: That's Right! Ted Cruz Tops the List!

For all you conservatives out there, just know that the way they respond to Ted Cruz, including members of his own party, is the way they respond to you!  They dislike you and your ideals as much as they dislike Ted Cruz.  They look at you the same way.

For all you liberals out there, just know that the way Ted Cruz makes you angry and sick to your stomach for his vile and futile attempts to stop Obamacare, abortions, and gay marriage, that the Obama's, the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, and all their minions make us conservatives equally angry and sick to our stomachs, but more so!  Now do you understand?

There’s still so much going on! The government finally got moving again after more than two weeks of being shut down, and isn't everybody so much happier now that the republicans have given in to Obama's demands?  Obamacare is now the law of the land (oh goodie!), which Obama has been telling us over an over again at the same time he violates our first and second amendment rights, and Obama also got the debt ceiling raised, just like he wanted.  I'm so glad he was able to work out a deal with those nasty republicans by getting everything he wanted and not giving an inch.  I'm full of warm fuzzies now!  The media in his pocket, particularly MSNBC, and the liberal democrats, are doing such an excellent job of brainwashing the masses into believing it was all because of the republicans and those horrid tea party rabble rousers.  Why even George Washington, they informed the public, would be appalled at the actions of those traitorous tea partiers and far right conservative republicans.  What do they think this is, a democracy with free speech rights, for Christ's sake?

You know what I say?  Thank God for the conservatives, and I’ll even throw in the libertarians and independents, because they actually THINK FOR THEMSELVES and don’t just tow the Democratic the party line (unlike all the moderate Republicans who are bad-mouthing Ted Cruz these days).  At least some liberals are starting to wake up to the nightmare that is the Obama administration!  Rob Schneider for instance, the old Saturday Night Live cast member mostly known for his old character “The Copy Guy” (“Makin’ Copies”) and Deuce Bigelow Male Gigolo, is still a self-professed, card carrying Hollywood liberal who probably loves everything he's told to love by his Tinseltown peers, particularly on social issues like same sex marriage and abortion, but just recently, he crossed party lines to support the California gubernatorial candidate Tim Donnelly because he can no longer abide by the Obama administration, which he says is killing his vitamin business with too many big government regulations.  I think – I HOPE – that Schneider is only the tip of the iceberg, and perhaps someday, more of these celebrities will cross party lines on more than just fiscal issues.  (See the video linked here.)  

Obamacare is a complete train wreck!  Many Obama supporters have already seen the light when they tried to sign up for it and couldn't even get on, and many others are being floored by sticker shock.  It’s already starting to fail, but it’s still too early to tell if people are going to be placated by more outright lies.  My guess is, they will be!  They’re so brainwashed and gullible!

Obama and the democrats continue to harp on raising the debt ceiling, which, I’ve heard from some pundits and political bloggers, isn’t really necessary because the government has enough money to pay the principal and interest on the debt even if the debt ceiling isn’t raised.  All it would mean is that the Obama administration and congress would need to need to cut some government programs and tighten their collective belts, and, of course, they don’t want to have to do that!  Better to lie to the public and demonize the tea party and the far right conservative republicans, and it doesn’t help that the moderate republicans in congress are playing right along with the president.  It’s disgusting, is what it is!  But this is simply what Obama does.  When the government shuts down because the president refuses to negotiate, or is forced to “negotiate” in closed door meetings with both political parties that end with a stalemate and nothing solved because he still refuses to actually negotiate and give an inch, and then gets his way anyway, we can see clearly that Obama is just doing what he’s always done, and then lies about it, which the media reports to the masses, most of who swallow it all, particularly the hard-core MSNBC groupies who block Fox News from their channel listings.  Obama was the same way with the parks being shut down.  There was no reason in the world to shut down the war memorials, but Obama did it, actually going to a great deal of expense to keep World War II vets from viewing their memorial.  It’s a cheap shot, and had nothing to do with the government shut down.  But the Obama administration and the media in their pocket want to paint the republicans as villains, and they said the shut-down caused these memorial closures, so that’s what the Obama sponges believed!  How do you fight against something like that and make the easily manipulated masses see it for what it is?

I’ve been watching more of CSPAN lately, and happened to catch a little bit of a speech by Rick Santorum (linked here), and a full hour from the FRCAction headquarters (Family Research Council) featuring Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center, and senators Ted Cruz, Rand Paul (who recently gave a 21 hour filibuster that was demonized by the more liberal republicans such as John McCain), and Marco Rubio.  (Their names link to videos of their speeches)  Poor Ted Cruz had to deal with a whole ton of mouthy, disrespectful liberals planted in the audience, but he handled it quite well!  Despite Rubio’s recent association with some of the most leftist republicans who tried to pass a bill through congress excusing all the illegal immigrants, I liked what all four had to say, even amidst those liberal hecklers planted throughout the audience.  Their messages were about the train wreck that is Obamacare, the cultural rot happening in America, the ongoing economic crisis, the war against Christians (tolerating everyone but Christians) and the small faction of militant Islamist terrorists that isn’t really all that small and that is waging a war on Christianity, and the rights of everyone, including Christians, to speak their minds! 

All we needed to make this fascinating and inspiring hour of television on CSPAN complete was possibly Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy, who took the media to task recently for their hideously lopsided and shoddy reporting when MSNBC “reporter”/Obama Parrot Andrea Mitchell sanctimoniously attempted to, once again, demonize republicans and stick up for her “glorious leader” (linked here), and Louisiana Senator Elbert Guillory who recently changed from Democrat to Republican and gave a very eye-opening, informative, and eloquent testimonial on YouTube about why he switched (see his great explanation linked here), and why you should too!  I now have a few more candidates for possible heroes and people to look up to and admire from their kind, and another Obama Parrot in the media to dislike passionately.

Here’s a few pictures from Facebook over the last few days I’d like to share here:

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